Tuesday, May 8, 2012

full circle

middle eastern star Denize,ladykashmir.webs.com.teacher of gypsy Turkish Egyptian ,belly dance arts.Dayton Ohio,Columbus,Cincinnati,united,states instruction ladykashmir 1-937-760-7295  http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ  DENIZ,CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COMMING EVENT OCT,16TH,17TH,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL,BELLY DANCE IN THE OLD VILLAGE ,REN FEST http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795 MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COM,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL MY NEW DANCE STUDIO AND FUNKY JEAN STORE CALL FOR LESSONS IN BELLY DANCE MIDDLE EASTERN ,ORIENTAL,GYPSY,TURKISH  ,EGYPTIAN MUSIC INTERPRETAION MODERN MUSIC THEORY ,SALSA,FLAMENCO,BURLESQUE, LESSONS ONLY $10.00 DOLLARS FOR A FULL HOUR AND 15 MINUETS ,, ,OTHER ,,

middle eastern star Denize,ladykashmir.webs.com.teacher of gypsy Turkish Egyptian ,belly dance arts.Dayton Ohio,Columbus,Cincinnati,united,states instruction ladykashmir 1-937-760-7295  http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ  DENIZ,CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COMMING EVENT OCT,16TH,17TH,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL,BELLY DANCE IN THE OLD VILLAGE ,REN FEST http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795 MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COM,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL MY NEW DANCE STUDIO AND FUNKY JEAN STORE CALL FOR LESSONS IN BELLY DANCE MIDDLE EASTERN ,ORIENTAL,GYPSY,TURKISH  ,EGYPTIAN MUSIC INTERPRETAION MODERN MUSIC THEORY ,SALSA,FLAMENCO,BURLESQUE, LESSONS ONLY $10.00 DOLLARS FOR A FULL HOUR AND 15 MINUETS ,, ,OTHER

middle eastern star Deniz,ladykashmir.webs.com.teacher of gypsy Turkish Egyptian ,belly dance arts.Dayton Ohio,Columbus,Cincinnati,united,states instruction ladykashmir 1-937-760-7295   http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ  DENIZ,CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COMMING EVENT OCT,16TH,17TH,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL,BELLY DANCE IN THE OLD VILLAGE ,REN FEST http://goddesskashmir.webs.com/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/midde,eastern belly dance star DENIZ CHARETTE,LADYKASSHMIR,DAYTON,OHIO,1-937-760-2795 MIDDLE ,EASTERN BELLY DANCE SUPPER STAR,LADYKASHMIR,UP COM,RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL MY NEW DANCE STUDIO AND FUNKY JEAN STORE CALL FOR LESSONS IN BELLY DANCE MIDDLE EASTERN ,ORIENTAL,GYPSY,TURKISH  ,EGYPTIAN MUSIC INTERPRETAION MODERN MUSIC THEORY ,SALSA,FLAMENCO,BURLESQUE, LESSONS ONLY $10.00 DOLLARS FOR A FULL HOUR AND 15 MINUETS ,, ,OTHER

sexy hats dresses,jewelry,gypsy burlesque belly dancer teacher artist,instruction,funky glittered jeans for belly dancing or salsa,oriental,middle,eastern,arab,festivals,yellow,springs,st,fair,Lebanese,festival,Turkish,renaissance,festival,belly dance ladykashmir,school of goddess gypsy style belly dance 1624 Wyoming st,Dayton Ohio,45410,1-937-760-2795 festival 

kashmir sexy belly dancer 2011.http://gypsykashmir.webs.com/
http://gypsykashmir.webs.com/   GODDESSKASHMIR CREATION,S
ladykashmir.webs.com Dayton Ohio,gypsy belly dancer super star.teacher.instruction,dance studio,1624 Wyoming st.45410 call for lessons, or performance,1-937-760-2795.Turkish,Egyptian,oriental.oasis,ladykashmir,school of gypsy belly dance,festival,s jewelry,costumes by DENIZ.ladykashmir, http://ladykashmir.webs.com/apps/photos/  http://ladykashmir.webs.com/kashmirshandmadecreations.htm   Burlesque,salsa,flamenco, only $10.00  for a








full circle

why is it wherever you go and what ever you do you wind up back in the beginning.
like the tarot cards the journey starts with the fool, than he becomes the magician ,than the hierophant.
than after all this he becomes the fool again.
like an old saying i remember.
to win is too lose, and too lose is to win!
does anyone really know the right road to travel?
the country the city everywhere you go it's all the same people are just people. some areas more some less.
one night you realize as your walking down the dimly lit spooky street. after getting a few things at the convenient store .
i start opening the door and it's opening usually fast i see a man in front me.
the man is stunned too . he disappears so i pretty much chalk it too a time slip, or hallucination, life in motion.
so i back again in front of you full circle.
strange one

Route 66

Route 66
and abstract look at lives of the flow of the timeless route 66.